Garden makeover

- This garden in Strathfield started as a bare garden
- The garden now has a semi-formal theme – with ornamental grasses, hedging plants, fragrant plants, and screening plants
- The clients are extremely pleased with their garden and we maintain it on a fortnightly basis during summer and monthly in winter
Complete revamp of garden bed

- This simple garden bed needed work. It begun as a plain bed of soil
- Our clients are delighted with their aesthetic low maintenance plants

New garden bed before house sale
- This garden bed was installed prior to the house being put on the market
- The job was completed before the new stone fence could be put up

- The plants are ‘low maintenance’ consisting of contrasting foliage plants, architectural feature plants which provide great colour contrasts
- The owners were able to sell their property on time, at a great price!
House plant decorations

- This rooftop garden is on the top of a block of units we maintain monthly
- The plants in this garden need to be able to tolerate harsh conditions

Rooftop Garden

- This client needed some decorative plants all around the property
- These plants are eye-catching and easy to care for